Monday 2 June 2014

Evolution of computers

“Computing is not about computers any more. It is about living”. (Nicholas Negroponte)
Can we imagine our life without a computer? It’s hard to imagine right!! Computers made our lives easier and colorful. So many changes made from the first generation computers which are about a size of room to laptop computers which can fit in our hand.
In present days computers become a part of our lives due to the changes in technology. Interesting thing is that due to the changes in technology computers are becoming smarter in terms of performance, features and capacity. Just compare your old desktop computer which is in bigger size with low speed processor and your new laptop with lot of inbuilt features and high capacity.

Compared to the old computers, the evolution has brought about a humongous change in the technology and portability. Even in this evolution of computers, the scientist are even more advanced. They have developed a super computer which can process 20,000 trillion calculations per second. Its fastness is due to its multiprocessing capability. Super computer named as Titan evolved as a world’s super natural brain behind the communication and calculation. Even it helps scientists to travel through the space to define the mysteries of space.

With the evolution of computers the storage methods has also evolved eventually, rock carving from stone age to floppy, disc, pen drive to cloud storage which is not a material form. From Stone Age the capacity, storage and processing time has increased rapidly.

In past decades, computers are heavy and not so easily accessible to everyone. With the evolution of technology it is so easy that even the kid from school can access the computer in these days. It’s not about generations it’s about evolution and growth of technology. Communication through this medium shifted from table to lap and from lap to the fingertips

We have discussed the evolution of computers till now, this evolution has turned a humongous change in the face of social communication. Social media turned to be the craziest communication media in this generation which developed due to the current evolution of technology. We will discuss that in our next blog.

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