Friday 23 May 2014

Transfer of messages
How do we get your things done from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed? 
It’s only through communications. It may be with signs, language, text or any other. In today’s world we have got many communication methods and devices to convey messages and to share our ideas. Communication systems have evolved a lot through the decades. Think of a situation where we don’t have a mobile or a computer to communicate.            
Let’s go the rock age..
Sculpturing, this might be the first way the transfer of message and storing data is done on a rock. The pictures are carved on rocks. Past Africans, Asians, use other kind of communications like smoke and drums for danger or victory signs. As the civilization improved it’s changed to Pictogram, ideogram that explain a concept or an object. Later the writing skills, languages helped human a lot to communicate in better way. With the evolution of script, paper and pen it has became easier for human to read and write. Transfer of messages after invention of script on paper is more likely to our postal department but in a different way, like there are some people who used to transfer messages traveling long distances by means of horse, bullocks etc.
In the mean time, there is one other interesting communication done that is domesticated pigeon, which are trained to transfer messages for long distances.
On the other side optical signals, flying flags and observing them through telescopes also transferred message.

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